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Where, oh, where have I been?

Taking a break from The Woo Woo Teacup Journal to work on other projects. So, what has kept me occupied elsewhere?

1. I’ve knitted a hat.
2. I’ve started a new blog, Ask Little Falls.
3. I’ve been reading books on art, design, and rhetoric.
4. I’ve been keeping an idea notebook.
5. I’ve been helping my sister-in-law design a CD cover for the album she’s currently recording.
6. I’ve been walking the dog.
7. I’ve been taking care of business (including a website redesign).
8. And, I’ve been attending a blanket party. But not the nasty sort of blanket party that involves a blanket over the head and a beating in a dark alley. Rather, my blanket party has included finishing embroidered squares for a crazy quilt (with a couple more steps ’til I’m done) and finishing crocheting this zig-zag afghan. Both of these blankets have been in process for a long time and I got a burr in my saddle to complete them.

I’m sure there are a few things I’m forgetting (like rediscovering the ravine that ran through town), but suffice it to say, I’ve been busy in meat space.

Zig-zag afghan by Mary Warner, 2014.

Zig-zag afghan by Mary Warner, 2014.