
My first novel, published in 2009, is Greenville: Where Longing Meets Loss. The book contains a series of ten linked short stories that take place in the fictional town of Greenville.  Each story features a different main character, all of whom are grappling with the emotions associated with longing or loss. Threaded throughout the novel, the story of the Tin Man, Greenville’s resident town character, is revealed.

Greenville: Where Longing Meets Loss has been released in three unique editions. The Keeping Edition is like a standard novel, one for you to buy and keep in your personal library. The Sharing Edition is available for those who want to pass the book around. It contains space at the beginning of the book for readers to sign their names and enter their locations, so that future readers can see who has read the book and how far it has traveled. The Unfinished Edition is for those who want to write their own ending to the book. The tenth story has been left off in this edition. If you are brave enough to purchase the Unfinished Edition, but also want to see my ending, here’s a link to access the last story.

All three editions are available for order through Keeping Edition, Sharing Edition, Unfinished Edition.

The Keeping Edition is available online for reading.

Closeups of the covers can be viewed here.

I have co-authored two previous books as part of my job as a museum manager:  Little Falls on the Big River and A Big Hearted Paleface Man: Nathan Richardson and the History of Morrison County, Minnesota. (See the Morrison County Historical Society’s Publications page for cover pics and order information on these.)

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